Surprise Guest Crashes the #WickedAfterDark Party

Welcome once again to Behind Closed Doors and the Wicked After Dark Halloween Blog Hop.  So far we’ve had several characters from The Island (Now and Forever 2) visit with us. I even got to spend time with Quinn and Jacob yesterday. I had intended on asking them questions, but somehow Jake turned it around to ask me a few questions. I didn’t mind. If it helped to solidify his decision about whether or not he was going to stay on the Island or go back to the real world to find Quinn again then I would gladly sit through hours of interrogation for him. 

As most of you know by now, The Island is a prequel to For the Love of Quinn. One of my favorite secondary characters in that first book has been pestering me as of late. He’s wanted to weigh in a bit on the prequel. Since it’s very difficult for me to say no to this person, I thought it would be a good idea to bring him here today. He will show up again in book three, so why not get you all prepared for the whirlwind that is Anthony Mancouso.

Whirlwind? Really? Can’t you do better than that? You are the sassiest broad I know and yet you can only come up with “whirlwind?”  Honey, please.

LOL! Can you stop with the melodramatics for once, Mr. Mancouso? How would you want me to introduce you? As the biggest pain in my ass? 😉

Well, that would be a bit better than a limp ass tornado. How about Typhoon Tony? 

That is a good description of you. You zip in, take over and leave a person a complete wreck after you leave. Typhoon Tony it is!

(He crosses his arms over his chest and rolls his eyes at me. He knows I hate that, especially since he constantly reminds me this is how I look when I get upset with him. Another interview is going to be hijacked by a diva!) Oh come on! I wore your favorite purple shirt today. You are an author for Goddess sake and yet you stick with something silly as Typhoon Tony? I was joking, you know.

You are such a diva, Anthony! Did Steve put you up to this? He was here the other day and absolutely tortured me. He kept bringing up our past even after he promised to not to talk about it.

Of course I’m a diva and that’s why you love me. Seriously, did you actually think Steve wouldn’t try to turn the interview into a trip down memory lane? You are the one woman who got away. And don’t you say that was Quinn. We all know her time with Steve was just to get her to the point in her life where she found Jacob again.

So you’ve been paying attention to the story lines now, huh? 

I always pay close attention when it comes to Stephen and those he’s allowed in his inner circle. You know better than anyone how he used to close himself off from anything but his work. I’m still not happy you had Quinn bring him out of his workaholic ways. It should have been you.

Stop it! This is supposed to be a discussion about Quinn and Jacob. Not about what could’ve been between me and Steve.  You aren’t so innocent here. Aren’t you still in love with him yourself?

Just like you, he will always have a special place in my heart but I have found my always and forever now. As a matter of fact, it was Stephen who introduced us. Imagine that. He introduced me to you too. 

For that I’ll be forever grateful. I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it, Anthony. Who would plan my vow renewal with Liam?

I wouldn’t let anyone else handle that. Your Liam is such a dreamboat, especially when he’s in that dress uniform. Who would have thought you’d end up with a hunky man in the Coast Guard? I always pegged you for a Marine Corps kind of gal.

 LOL! Well, I do have a weakness for all men in uniform but let’s get back on track. Tell me about the first time you saw Quinn and Jacob together. Could you tell they were soul mates or were you still upset she wasn’t with Steve?

I will admit I was a tiny bit disappointed Stephen didn’t fight for her. Once I got over that, I understood why. He saw the connection between Quinn and Jake right from the start. I had to see it for myself to believe it and boy did I ever! I could feel the electricity between them even from across the room. It’s like those stories you read about in Reader’s Digest about someone who survives a lightning strike. Those victims could feel the static electricity in the air before they were struck. My skin literally tingles whenever they are around. Being able to see them on the Island helped put it all into perspective for me. When you are given a gift from The Three, it’s probably wise to not refuse!

I’ll have to agree with you on that one. Finding out you’ve been searching for each other for multiple lifetimes only to be torn apart again and again, has to be a bitter pill to swallow. I mean, is this time going to turn out like the others or will you finally get your happily ever after as promised?

(Anthony rolls his eyes at me again.) Honey, when the Goddess Fate herself gives her word, even a Sassy Vixen like you would have to think twice about doubting your foretold destiny.

You got me there, Anthony. 

Here, there, everywhere. You know I always have your back, mi amor. So when are you going to let me start planning that vow renewal of yours?

When are you going to let me write more about you and the love of your life?

Meow! You sure have the snappy comebacks tonight. I’m serious. I have a ton of ideas.

So do I. 😉

Now who’s the one going off script?


As much fun as we always have together, I’m afraid we’re going to have to wrap things up. There are many stops left in this blog hop and we shouldn’t keep everyone here. So many contests…so little time! Hurry up now. You only have until November 1st. Make sure you check out the Rafflecopter to see if you qualify to get more entries in our contest here. Also make a special trip to our sister blog Sassy Vixen Publishing to enter in that contest too. The frog linky below will take you to the list of the over 200 other participant. See you again tomorrow!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Author: Author Tammy Dennings Maggy

After a nearly 26 year career as a veterinarian, I am finally realizing my dream of becoming a published author. More than that, I am writing in a genre that I love to read myself, erotic romance. There is nothing better than becoming so immersed in a story line that you forget all the stresses of life that surround you. My favorite authors have done that for me over the years, and I hope that I can do the same.

2 thoughts on “Surprise Guest Crashes the #WickedAfterDark Party”

    1. Me too. Anthony would have just taken over if I didn’t agree to let him come on here with me. When I told part of his story in For the Love of Quinn, I had no idea how much he would mean to me. I’ve toyed with giving him his own book, but as you can see, he’s not too forthcoming with the details about himself. But ask him about anything or anyone else and you can’t shut him up! LOL

      Jeff Lewis from “Flipped Out” is definitely the inspiration behind Anthony’s character. Both are smart-asses like me! Two other friends of mine are the inspirations for Anthony’s love interest. Now to convince both of them to let me post pictures of them to show you who I see in my head while I’m writing! That’s definitely easier said than done!


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