Another direction for my poetry and other writing

I’ve been a tossing around the idea of writing a vampire erotic romance novel or even a series. Since I’ve been a bit preoccupied with working on the Now and Forever series, changing things around a bit so to speak, I had put that idea on the back burner until yesterday.

My friend and fellow author Maya DeLeina suggested I write some vampire inspired poetry. She is looking for submissions in this vein (pun intended đŸ˜‰ ) for a new website she is putting together that will feature authors of vampire novels.  I confided in her that I had been thinking of writing a series with vampires sort of inspired by my time playing the game Vampire Wars. Even with all the technical issues Zynga and Facebook have with that game, I had fun playing it for a while. I loved the intricate storie/plot lines they came up with for the challenges at each level. Why not create a world similar to that for my erotic romance novels?

I know what many of you are thinking. Why go off in so many different directions? Why not finish the series and ideas I already have plotted out? Well, my mind doesn’t work that way. I have to go where it takes me at the moment. If I don’t, the scene may be lost to me later. I have to write it down. That’s why I have several notebooks with me when I go to work at the veterinary hospital. If something hits, I jot down quick notes on any piece of paper, and then when I get a free moment, grab the notebook and write the scene all down.  I don’t write my novels in order from the beginning to the end. That’s not how I see the story. For me, it’s an ever evolving process. What I had originally plotted out, may not be how the story plays out.

For example, I didn’t originally plan to have Quinn fall in love with two men. I had originally planned on having her fall hard for Jake, him abandon her when she needed him the most, and her settling for her loveless marriage. What fun was that? I had to find a happily ever after, at least for the moment.  After watching an old episode of Grey’s Anatomy when the character Izzy falls in love with cardiac patient Denny, the idea for Steve was borne.  The actor’s smile and voice just kept playing in my head as I developed the story between Steve and Quinn.  Of course, he is the perfect contrast to Jake.  With both men, Quinn is able to learn to work through some devastating losses in her life and finally move forward into her own happily ever after.

Now for book two in the series. Originally I had planned on My Love, My Friend as the second book…second and third actually. Once again that story is long so I have split it up to give my heroine Sammi a happily every after for now with Nathan in My Love, My Friend.  The book that follows this one is the second half of their story reintroducing another love interest for her in the form of Michael, the man she’s been in love with for over a quarter century. I have finally settled on the title of that one as Faithfully Yours.  But…and it’s a big but, I felt that more of Jake’s story needed to be told especially after writing the short story A Christmas Miracle for Jake.  That small prequel helped explain how Jake and Quinn’s bond was so strong and helped me dip more into a bit of the paranormal by introducing their Guardian Angels.  So look for book two to be the expansion of this short story and be called The Island.

Didn’t I tell you that you haven’t seen the last of Quinn, her friends or her family? The Quartermarsh, Hartley, and Eischer families are going to be around for a while!

The other series that I have been slaving over is now called Songs of Fate. Book one of that series is based on one of my poems and has the same title The Vixen, the Witch, and the Daemon. I will be writing this series with another pen name: Lia Michaels.  The reason I’m doing that, is that the series will feature several menage scenes. Since I currently write M/F type erotic romances, I felt it was best to use another pen name to write M/F/M, and F/F/M and more. This series has witches, faeries, shifters, gods and goddesses interfering in the lives of these beings, vampires, elves and more.

Now don’t get all freaked out!  I will be writing the vampire M/F books as myself and leave the menage to Lia. The poetry will all be under my name as well. So much to do and so little time in the day. (sigh) Thank you all for following me along this journey. Let’s see how much fun we can have, shall we?

Blessed be,


Author: Author Tammy Dennings Maggy

After a nearly 26 year career as a veterinarian, I am finally realizing my dream of becoming a published author. More than that, I am writing in a genre that I love to read myself, erotic romance. There is nothing better than becoming so immersed in a story line that you forget all the stresses of life that surround you. My favorite authors have done that for me over the years, and I hope that I can do the same.

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